It’s time for yet another episode of “Fearless Gear Reviews.” This segment is my fearless gear review show that is supported by my Patrons and not the Manufacturers! This way, I can give you guys an honest, unbiased opinion instead of bowing to the manufacturer’s wishes in the hopes that they’ll send me free stuff!
Free gear is great, but an honest review is priceless.
Today we’re checking out the Marshall Code 25. This is their attempt at grabbing a part of the small digital practice amp market. If you look closely, you can see another part of that market on the wall in my studio.
This amp would have been fine 10 years ago but these days I really don’t see the fucking point in these things. As you heard in the intro of the video above, the USB output on this thing is pretty much useless on a PC; the latency is atrocious and the artifacting is more unpleasant than listening to Brittany Spears without Autotune! There are no downloadable drivers on the Marshall site either!
Again, thank you to my Patrons for making this video possible!