Today we’re checking out the amazing ADM22 Monitors from KS Digital. I’ve been working for them for the better part of 2018 and I’ve been absoluetly thrilled with the results I’ve been getting. I mean, like WOW are these ever awesome. Definitely not the cheapest option but they’re totally worth the price. Looking to step up your mixing game? Have a serious look at these!
About the Author: Glenn Fricker
Greetings, I'm Glenn Fricker, engineer here at Spectre Sound Studios. I love making records, and after doing it for sixteen years, I want to pass on what I've learned.
Featuring tutorials on how to record guitar, bass, real drums and vocals. There's reviews and demos of tube amps, amp sims, drums, mics, preamps, outboard gear, and plugin effects.
Everything you've wanted to learn about recording Hard Rock & Heavy Metal can be found right here on my channel! I also respond to your comments & questions: The best make it into the SMG Viewer's Comments series of videos.
Loads of fun, lots of laughs. Thanks for reading!